29 April 2012

LUSH - Love Lettuce Fresh Face Mask

HOLY MOSES JOSES, a face mask that doesn't break the shit out of my face and make me look like an overly blushed Klingon!  To my hyper-sensitive oily/combination cyclic-acne-prone and something more sisters out there, we have hope.
yea, that's my clawprint in there.
Ok, so I had long given up on face masks and decided to just suck it up with my Olay Exfoliating brush, until fellow Canadian nutjob, Estée, wouldn't shut up about her Lush face masks and how it's been amazeballs for her... thank goodness.
I picked this up when I went on a platonic date/hoarding shopping trip with R the other day.  Laid my deets (details, for you non-cool joes) on the sales associate (the ones at Lush are weird but super helpful--watch and learn, Sephora).  She recommended either this one or the oatmeal looking one... I've got a weak stomach for oatmeal, so I picked this one.  I think I paid $6 CAD for a small black tub of it.  My local store makes it fresh every Wednesday (you can't buy this online because it's made fresh), and each tub will give about 3-4 masks... even with my big face, I think I can probably generously get 4.

I scoop up a Timbit sized amount and generously smear it all over my face.  There's small bits of green plant looking material--I just spread it around.  It says to leave it on for something like 5 mins?  Iuno, I'm probably making shit up.  Anyway, it says not to let it dry out but I leave it on until it does, cuz I'm a rebel.  Then I just use my hands to wash it off very gently with warm water.  Afterwards, I use my Sephora precison pore cleanser pad to make sure all of it is gone.

Verdict:  THIS FUCKING ROCKS THE SHIT OUT OF MY FACE AND MORE.  I'm kinda outraged by how it made my face so hydrated and oil-balanced.  I think I texted R right away with something like:  "my face is fucking glowing."

- M

13 April 2012

LUSH - Turkish Delight & Rose Queen

Get ready for some LUSHious business here

I like the fresher rose scent, and it feels nice going onto my both... very smoothie-like indeed.
It's supposed to be hydrating, which I don't find it particularly.
I'm not as scaly anymore, but that could just be because I've stopped cranking the heat as the weather's getting warmer.
It's ok... but not worth $32.95 for a 7 oz tub.
The good thing is it's paraben-free, unlike Flying Fox which has methylparaben... I was going to get that one at first because the scent is just pure sex.
I love my rose scents, what can I say?  Decided to treat myself to a luxurious $5 bomb.


1 April 2012

Some other random shiz that M bought in March

Holy shit, I bought a lot of stuff in March -- So much for being broke!

It seems like it works the same way as my Burt's Bees, but the Burt's Bees is all natural.
The two's price points are the same, too.
So, I'm gonna call Burt's Bees the winner of the dupe challenge.
Still trying it out.  It seems aite?
AMAZING.  Very little is needed for pigment.
I would never wear makeup for 24 hours, but the shit stays on as long as I need it to, without primer!
It's a gorgeous matte mushroom taupey grey.
I got it at London Drugs when they had their 30% off all Maybelline products deal, so it was only $6.29 CAD!
I bought this because R raves about the thing.
My skin doesn't soak it up nearly as crazy as hers thought.
I use it for my hair tips, and it's awesome possum.
It's good for random dry patches too.
I wish I had this with me when I was in Calgary!
I can't wait to try this out tomorrow, because all of my in-store and home swatches have been incredible.
My beautyblender and it will be making love all over my face tomorrow!
It's oil-free!!!  The watery consistency could become my new HG over my Almay clear complexion!
I bought this in Shopper's Drug Mart for $26 CAD (holy mark up!).

Oh, an update from my last post about the Sephora VIB haul:
I returned the TARTE emphaseyes brightener, and got the MUFE aqua eyes eyeliner (champagne 23L).
The TARTE one was smooth on my hand, but on my waterline, it was so chalky and inconsistent.
This MUFE one is amazing, but less beige-ness and more pinkness.
I swatched it with my Bourjois above.

Aaaaannnd the biggest purchase of March:

It's APRIL already?!
- M